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Could I be a foster parent?

Foster parents are needed who can provide temporary care to babies and young children who are in the process of reunification with their birth families; who can accommodate larger sibling groups to allow these siblings to remain connected in the same home; and who can provide care for older youth with challenging behaviors resulting from their exposure to traumatic events. Families are also needed for older children for whom reunification with their birth families is no longer an available option and for whom an adoptive family is being sought.

Don’t let any of these “can’t” myths stop you.

1. Only married couples can be foster parents.

Singles, same sex couples, unmarried couples, empty nesters and growing families are all welcome to learn more about becoming a foster/adoptive parent. Don’t let your status stop you!

2. Foster parents must own their own home.

It is not necessary to own a home to become a licensed foster/adoptive family. You may rent or own an apartment or a house as long as there is adequate space to add another person. It is even possible for some children to share a bedroom.

3. Foster child expenses are the responsibility of the foster family.

DHHS provides financial support to offset the costs of raising a child. There is also emotional support and training to help you through the rough patches. Children adopted from foster care may be eligible for a financial subsidy, and many qualify for financial aid for college.

4. Only stay-at-home parents can be foster parents.

Many foster parents are also working parents. If you don’t feel ready to become a full time foster parent, maybe short term respite or emergency care is a better fit for you.

Ready to find out more? Call 1-844-893-6311 or complete our form and we will get right back to you!

Are You Wondering?

What type of child would be placed and how long would they live with me?

Children enter foster care through no fault of their own. Due to a number of reasons, at least in the moment, their parents are unable to care them. Many children entering foster care will be reunited with their birth parents or extended family members. Other children will need an adoptive home and sometimes foster parents become their child’s adoptive family.

Children in foster care range from 0 to 21 years old, have experienced trauma, and may have a hard time trusting adults.  Some children may have emotional or physical challenges which have the best outcomes when they are part of a family.

There is a special need for foster parents who can provide care to babies and young children while supporting the work of reunification with their birth families, for foster parents able to welcome sibling groups of three or more children, and for older youth.

What kind of support is available to foster parents?

Foster families are connected with a DHHS licensing staff and have regular contact with a case worker. There are peer supports, support groups, events, and a community of foster families across the state that support one another, with additional supports available.

Where do I find out more information?

The first step is to contact A Family for ME. We will answer your questions and help you get started when you are ready. Call us at 1-844-893-6311 or complete our form.

Not ready to be licensed?

Here are a few ways you can help support children in foster care!

1.Talk to friends and family about foster care — they may be inspired!

2. Invite a recruiter to speak to a community group or set up a table at an event

3. Volunteer to hang fliers in your community

4. Volunteer to staff a table

Contact us for more information!

“The well-being of our children continues to be a top priority for this Department. It is undeniable that foster parents play a crucial role in caring for vulnerable children. Sometimes it’s on a short term basis where they assist in the important process of reunification. Other times, they explore more long term options—making these children a permanent part of their family through adoption. Whatever role they play, they have the ability to make a positive impact on the lives of Maine children during the most difficult of times.”


— DHHS Commissioner Ricker Hamilton

Who is A Family for ME?

A Family for ME is a partnership between the Department of Health and Human Services and Spurwink Services, with the focus of raising awareness of the urgent need and finding Maine families who are willing and able to parent children in foster care.

“The opioid epidemic continues to harm our families and communities—often leaving children without proper care or a stable home. At the Department of Health and Human Services, we are committed to ensuring that every child has the safe and supportive home they deserve. We have seen the important role foster families have and we are asking more Mainers to do the same by opening their hearts and homes to children in need.”


— DHHS Commissioner Ricker Hamilton